MegaBlog: How does one’s environment/upbringing in the adolescence stage correlate with their chance of developing psycho/sociopathy?

The environment, what one is surrounded by, is vital to how that individuals’ character grows. Thus, where one lives it can in many ways determine how they become. Psychopathy is a kind of disorder when one lacks empathy and a conscience. This tends to make them more manipulative and conniving toward others. So, when people grow up around an unhealthy environment in my mind, this is the easiest way for them to pick up these tendencies. In this link, they talked about the fact that poverty, education, and other factors directly correlate with criminal behavior. This kind of behavior, which is also correlated with psychopathy, is understood to be extremely impulsive. Aggressive behavior can also be a sign of psychopathy and this type of behavior can arise from environment and even the people that surround these individuals.

Another major factor when getting to the bottom of a psychopath’s tendencies is their upbringing. How one’s family helps or harms their character building is important. There are many theories that psychologists have come up with to explain the need for a solid family foundation for a child to develop socially acceptable personality traits. The nature vs. nurture theory is a good indicator on how to understand the make up of a socio/psychopath’s mind. The nature side has to do with the genetics and how some hereditary traits pass down and do not mix as positively as possible, and could affect the child in the long run. The nurture portion of this has to do with the fact that for a child to grow up with good intentions and normal tendencies, they need parents that give them love and care for them unconditionally. My best example of this would be that little girl named Beth that I mentioned in a previous blog post. She was a six year old that showed all sort of signs indicating that she was a psychopath. She was an adopted orphan, who wasn’t shown real love in the time necessary for early development. Thus, her psychopathic acts were more understood because she lacked the tools in early ages to feel things and to be able to think twice or three times about what came to mind.

Image result for genes

My Brain Made Me Do It: Psychopaths and Free Will

Is Psychopathy Genetic?

2 thoughts on “MegaBlog: How does one’s environment/upbringing in the adolescence stage correlate with their chance of developing psycho/sociopathy?

    This talks about a study done on a group of people who are psychopaths in Italy. They examined their crimes and linked them to childhood traumas. They found that there was a large correlation. It goes on to talk about what this could mean.
    This is an interesting perspective on nature vs. nurture and whether or not someone’s lack of empathy can be treated.


  2. There are very many environmental influences that can affect human behavior. I found this article that talks about these influences as well as personality disorders that could hopefully be of use to you. It talks a little bit about the social learning theory in which is an explanation on how the environment can influence a child’s behavior. I think this theory would go well with your topic and you can probably talk in depth about it.

    This other link talks about the warning signs of possible psychopaths and how their childhood can impact their behaviors later on in their life.

    This other article I found talks about the genetic argument of psychopathy, but it also includes the environmental side as well. You could probably incorporate the genetic factor into your blog because when it’s combined with an individual’s environment, it’ll influence their behavior later in life.


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